Wednesday, September 12, 2012


(a small chapel on the grounds of our Prayer Fraternity)

"Then Jesus went out to the mountain to pray, spending the night in communion with God."  LK  6:12
This reflection is written by Mary Marrocco and appeared in the daily devotional,  LIVING FAITH, for September 11, 2012:
"To my mother, reading is as necessary as eating and breathing.  Lately, due to an eye blockage, she has difficulty seeing.  She didn't read the newspaper this morning.   She couldn't read the recipe she was making.  But she picked up a lighted magnifying glass to read morning prayer, explaining:  "I've almost memorized it anyway."   Watching her, book and glass close to her face, I saw a woman whose strength and grace stem from prayer.

In this way, among others, she's Christlike.  The gospels clearly show how prayerful Jesus was and how he drew on prayer for everything he did.  If we desire to be like him, prayer will help take us there.  At times, it will feel like a duty;  at other times, pure joy.  At all times, it's air to breathe and water to drink, ever available, ever sweet."


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