Saturday, September 8, 2012

Lectio Divina as a 5-Step Prayer

(summer sunflowers in the friar's garden)

This meditation appeared in the September issue of The Word Among Us from Sunday, September 2nd.   It offers a quick and simple look at the ancient practice of Lectio Divina and offers a 5th step to the classic 4 steps  that we normally think of when we consider LECTIO.   The meditation was based on the Letter to James 1:22  "Be doers of the word and not hearers only." 

Words, words, words!   We live in a very verbal world.  Televisions, radios, iPods, table computers, newspapers, billboards, books, magazines  -- they are all ready to saturate our minds and stimulate our interests.  But so much comes at us that it goes in one ear and right out the other.

If our judgment is spiritually acute, this can be a good protection against ungodly influences.  But we also run the risk of closing our ears to the most important word of all, the word of God.  Without even realizing it, we may end up treating Scripture as we do other words:  tuning it out, shielding ourselves from its challenge, not feeling any need to apply it to our lives.  So what can we do to make sure that we become "doers" of God's word?

One of the best answers is the ancient practice of LECTIO DIVINA,  or "sacred reading."  Its basic steps are simple:

LECTIO:   First, read a passage of Scripture slowly and carefully.  Use your Bible's footnotes or a trusted commentary if you need help.

MEDITATIO:   Next, reflect quietly on the meaning of the passage.  Let the words sink deeply into your mind.

ORATIO:  Next, in prayer, talk with God about the passage.  "Lord, how does this verse apply to my own life?"

CONTEMPLATIO:   In the silence of your heart, simply rest in God's presence, contemplating the goodness he has show you in his word.

OPERATIO:   And then, as a fruit of your prayer and reading, decide how you will respond to what God has shown you.  How will you live out the word that has come alive?


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