Wednesday, June 23, 2010


This past April 29th,  our Franciscan brother, Pio Jackson, who is the JPIC Animator for the Sacred Heart Province, came to visit us, along with Michael Jennrich, former core member here.   Pio wrote the following words about his visit to us here in Ava at the Franciscan Prayer Fraternity:  (this is only part of article that he wrote)

Prior to my JPIC trip to Peru and Bolivia I had the privilege of accompanying the Provincial Vicar Michael Jennrich OFM to the interprovincial house of prayer in Ava, Missouri. As we approached the community, which sits on 60 acres of land leased from the Trappist monastery nearby, I was struck by the rustic wooden exterior. A few equally rustic structures were situated not far from the main house. On the small porch the resident fraternity of friars had gathered to give us a warm Franciscan greeting in hospitality.    
I was preparing myself in my mind to pass these days much as rural farmers did in the days of long ago. As we entered the house I was pleasantly surprised to be ushered into what seemed almost another dimension, with a soft, artistic interior that was not luxurious but invitingly simple and comforting as well as clean and ordered.
The dining area held a mid-size table with windows that faced out into the gardens and acreage beyond. It was a table that encouraged meal as sacrament with modern cupboards and kitchen area surrounding it supplied with sensible attractive utensils and other items that promoted a family spirit and a willingness to be together.
The small chapel  (picture above) was elegantly arranged with spaces for the individual friar and his liturgical books and strategic and esthetic placing of altar and ambo with the presence of the Blessed Sacrament. In prayer one could contemplate Mother Earth by glancing outside of the spotless windows and muse on the integrity and care of creation as God's gift. The friar liturgy was well arranged and prepared. And proudly, I think the friars sing rather well. Michael and I were graciously asked to celebrate Mass for them while we were there.
Our home for the few days was comfortable, simple, modern, rather spacious guest rooms off to the side which also opened on to the yard with windows that also opened onto a panoramic view. Across the way one could see the facility that was used for making soap, one of their means of self-support. Joe Manning OFM gave me a small tour and related to me with enthusiasm the process of making soap. It seems like there is a reasonable demand for it with its various fragrances and herbal properties. I was grateful for the two bars I got as a gift.
After my few days with these men of prayer, the demands of province work for Michael Jennrich OFM and some pressing involvements as JPIC animator called us to journey home. I was already carrying within me the spiritual support and presence of that community. They all assured me that they would carry JPIC and me within their prayers. They have helped me to see ever more clearly that justice, peace and integrity of creation goes hand-in-hand with the ministry of prayer.

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