Friday, April 22, 2011


(The crucifix shown above is hanging at Assumption Abbey)
"On this, and every Good Friday, we witness our salvation as Jesus died for the sins of humanity.  But the crucifixion, as a major symbol of salvation, has always been an event that defies comprehension.  Even the great St. Paul struggled here as he preached nothing other than Christ crucified, which became a stumbling block for Jews and absurdity to the Greeks.  Indeed, how can death lead to life?   How can sins be forgiven through the mystery of the crucifixion?
Many individual in Western culture see no need for "salvation."  They claim to live respectable lives, not guilty of any heinous crime.  They are good to their neighbor, do not steal or lie, refrain from greed and anger.  So, what's the big deal?
The big deal is that fullness of life and freedom flow out of grace;  the big deal is that the reality of evil is ever present, both outside us in our culture, and deep within us in our souls. God desires that all people be saved, that they are to be set free from every sort of evil and that they live up to their full potential through the bestowing of grace."
   (by  Bishop Robert F. Morneau in NOT FOR BREAD ALONE 2011)

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