(This little devotional appeared in LIVING FAITH for Monday, May 26th.)
"We went outside the city gate along the river where we thought there would be a place of prayer." (Acts 16:13)
Paul traveled constantly to preach. He was faithful to prayer even though he was away from home. We may not be traveling far from our home like Paul, but we are usually on our way to some place every day, even if it's just to the mailbox or the backyard. Whether we are going to a doctor's appointment, out to the garden, or to the office, bringing children to school or engaged in some other form of movement, each of us has an opportunity to pause and unite with God.
We can always find a place to pray. For Paul it happened to be along a river. I often pray in the airport or in the car. (I call my car "a little hermitage on wheels.") There's no excuse for just floating through the days without a "hello" to God because I am en route somewhere. All I need do is turn my heart toward the Beloved One and make the inner connection.
Sr. Joyce Rupp, O.S.M.