Friday, June 29, 2012

Prayer Reflection from the Prayer Fraternity

Saint Teresa says:  "Prayer is not thinking much but loving much."
Everything becomes simple when we realize that here we are dealing with what is, first of all, a matter of the heart.  It is not then a case of straining the mind, but simply of uniting our hearts to God.....  It seems to be often God's way, however, not to let us see results, and even to let us be aware of our lack of success;  but this can keep us humble.   All the while God continues to work within our souls, though in darkness and in silence.
(reflection is from FRAGRANCE FROM ALABASTER,  by Mother Aloysius Rogers,  OCD) 

Fence for friary garden

To help protect our garden produce from God's wonderful creatures (e.g. deer, coons, etc.) the friars, with the assistance of some friends, erected a 6 foot fence around the garden area this past month.  With an electric wire added to the top, so far it seems to be working.   This summer, with its terrible heat and dryness, will be a real test for the ability of the fence to keep our little friends out of the garden.  Presently, with the conditions drying up everything in the woods, they are desperate for anything lush and green.

Blogsite is back on-line

Our apologies to you, but for the past month, our blogsite has been down because our computer's motherboard failed;  we hope to be back up and continuing to offer you more 'prayer' reflections, etc. immediately -- the friars at Ava!